Send Your Meter Read

Your meter is read by a Nova Scotia Power meter reader every two months. You can submit your meter read online.

Check the usage on your power bill, or submit your postcard meter reading online.

Details on how to read your meter

Your meter measures your electricity use. It is read by a Nova Scotia Power meter reader every two months.

To Read Your Meter:

Read all the dials on the meter, beginning with the dial on the far right. Write the numbers down in the same order, from right to left.


If the hand on your meter dial is between two numbers, record the lower number. For instance, if the hand on the dial is between the 3 and the 4, record the 3. If the hand on the dial is between the 0 and the 9, record the 9.


If your meter dial hand is directly on a number, look at the dial to its right. If that dial is on or has just passed 0 then record the number at which the dial is pointing. If the previous dial has not yet reached 0 then record the lower number.

For instance, in the example below dial 4 appears to be pointing directly at the 7, but because the previous dial has not finished its rotation, it is still a 6.

To calculate the kilowatt hours used since your last power bill, subtract your reading from the reading shown on your most recent power bill.

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Check the usage on your power bill, or submit your postcard meter reading over the Internet.
* indicates a required field

Please note that if you have an inside meter, you are required to permit access to a Nova Scotia Power representative once per year to confirm your power usage.

Customer Information
Contact Preference
Meter Information
(You can find the meter number on the top portion of your power bill or on your meter)

Enter your meter reading beginning at the far right. If your meter reading falls between two whole numbers, select the lower number. If there are more dials below than on your meter, fill in the extra space on the far left with a zero. Click here for more information about how to read your meter.

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